Finding Your Ideal Target Audience In 3 Simple Steps
The potential for success of any marketing company for both big and small businesses is limited until you know who to target.
Without a target audience, one that correctly coincides with your products and services, often a business will struggle as they continue to market to an irrelevant group. Often you should ask yourself, ‘Who are our target audience? What do they care about? How do we reach them?’ We have some simple steps for business owners to take that will aid you in pinpointing the ideal target audience to market yourself to.
At the risk of sounding cliche, we strongly recommend you ‘don’t put all your eggs in one basket.’ Fight the urge to drown your potential consumers by cramming multiple messages and propositions into one social media post, email or advertisement. If you have trouble pinpointing the one or two reasons why your business is unique and worth their time, they’re going to find it difficult as well. Before you begin the process of identifying your audience, you need to select the unique benefits and features that your business can offer to potential customers. Ask yourself, ‘What problems do your services solve and in what way do they benefit others? How is your business different to the others that are in the same market?’ After you’ve answered these questions, you can then move forward and begin to understand who is most likely to respond the to your products and services.
Once you have taken the time to make a sense of how your business is unique, it is now time to determine what kind of person might respond well to your products or message. Begin with a brainstorm. What basic demographics are most likely to suit your brand? Discuss which age, gender, location or occupation your target audience might fit. From there, branch out your thinking to include what activities they would enjoy in their day to day lives and other areas that may currently appeal to them. What television shows or movies are they watching at the moment? What obstacles do they face within their lives? Do they have any hobbies, particular interests or specific values? Use the information that you find to start creating a general profile of the type of individual who will benefit from or purchase your products.
Various social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter have made it relatively easy for small businesses to ask their targeted audiences for any suggestions or opinions on their brand. Social media is an ideal place to receive feedback regarding what your audience wants to see in the future. You’re able to discuss which products and services they would like to see your business offer and discover the reasons that they buy or use your business. Whether you’re posting polls or a simple update asking for suggestions and feedback, social media is an inexpensive platform that can easily assist the growth of your business.
Often, selecting the correct audience to target is quite simple. However, it does require you to explore multiple options as to what your customer is most likely to care about when it comes to your products, brand values and services. By following these steps, you can figure out who is your ideal target audience is most suited to your brand and willing to purchase your goods and services.
Looking for more information on how to find the ideal target audience for your small business? Contact one of our experts at Get More Traffic today on 1300 332 256.