Increasing Foot Traffic This Christmas
The holiday season can be a great way to bring in more money and sales, but often, those things come with the heavy burden of additional stress and not enough time to put in the extra effort. Increasing foot traffic is a difficult task but when you do it right, the effort will prove invaluable. For something a little simpler and cheaper this Christmas, we’ve provided you with some tips in the list below to bring more festivity through your door this holiday season!
A simple and effective solution to drag people into your store is to offer free incentives. Buy a gift – get a free candy cane or cookie! Leave them by the counter and offer one to each customer who makes a purchase.
If you’re one of those people who has a knack for wrapping presents, this is something you could offer as an additional service yourself. However, if you’re like most of us at GMT and tend to tear or make a mess of the wrapping paper, you could invite a charity to help in exchange for a donation to their cause.
Free shipping is always a hit around Christmas time, but don’t forget that people shop last minute, and if you want those extra sales, it’ll work wonders if you decide to post their purchases via express shipping!
Sales happen all the time, why don’t you try shaking it up a little bit? Put one or a limited amount of items on sale each day leading up to Christmas and see how often people engage with your social media page or website where you should be promoting these specials!
Let your customers know what you’ve got in stock and what specials you’re offering by sending out a Christmas catalogue via email or simply in a stand by your store.
For each customer who spends $20 or $50 or $100 (you get the point) or more at your store, throw in a secret, surprise gift. It’s like a mystery draw but for Christmas!
Need we say more? (But honestly, get into the Christmas spirit!)
Now, you can either do this the easy way or the hard way. Personally, we think you should choose the easy way and attempt to try some of these helpful for increasing foot traffic. They’ve been tried and tested and they work out pretty well! They’ll give you a good return on investment (because they won’t really cost you much in the first place), and you may even gain repeat and loyal customer from offering such awesome alternatives and last-minute options!
Good luck, Merry Christmas, and we’ll see you in the new year!
Don’t forget, if you need any assistance increasing foot traffic or improving your local SEO rankings online, GMT can help! Contact our marketing experts on 1300 332 256!